Chicago – Industry marketing expert and business mentor Amberly Rothfield continues to help models develop their careers. Amberly, who has found success in the industry despite her status as a marginalized model, aims to share her methods with others. Her newest project is a written guide specifically designed to help models who are marginalized because of factors beyond their control.

The new guide contains over three dozen pages and is designed to help models who find themselves struggling when trying to follow more traditional advice. It covers a wide variety of topics ranging from networking to setting realistic goals and is viewed through a lens of marginalization. The guide, which has been titled Marketing for Marginalized Models, is available for free on

Amberly explained her reason for focusing on marginalization: “I know how hard it can be when you don’t fit the norm. I want to use my success to try and lift others up who might not have the opportunity otherwise. And I encourage others to do the same once they are in a place where they can. You have to focus on yourself before you can help others.”

Follow Amberly on Twitter to learn about upcoming classes, events, and more. The best-selling author’s books, including the best-selling How I made $10,000 A Month As A Phone Sex Operator, are available on Amazon. Tickets for upcoming classes can be purchased on Crowdcast. Videos, guides and more can be found for free at

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