Chicago – Karla Lane, who was inducted into the AVN Hall of Fame this year, is once again in the spotlight with three nominations for the upcoming 2021 AVN Awards. Karla is in the running for Niche Performer of the Year, an award that she won in 2019, as well as two fan decided categories, Favorite Female Pornstar and Favorite BBW Star.

The 2021 AVN Awards show will be held virtually this year on January 23rd and can be streamed live on AVN Stars. Fans can vote once per day through January 23rd and can vote for Karla by clicking here for Favorite Female Pornstar and here for Favorite BBW Star.

The always positive Karla is once again honored to receive these nominations for her hard work. She commented, “Every time I receive another nomination, it’s as exciting as my first nomination. Being recognized with all this amazing talent is an honor I’ll always cherish. A big thank you to AVN once again, as well as those who continue to be at my side – Mo, Tim, my PR, XXX Star, all my friends, fellow performers, and all my fans!”

Karla is represented by ATMLA.

Follow Karla on Twitter and her new Instagram. Fans can also subscribe to her OnlyFans,, get her a gift at, or join her Snapchat at

PR for Karla Lane is exclusively provided through XXX Star PR. Follow us on Twitter @XXXStarPR or visit our website, For interview or media inquiries, please e-mail

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