Chicago – At the mass request of models, Athena Stats, created by Amberly Rothfield and John Luna of Sex-Positive Me, now has webcam stats! Models can go to see when are popular times to stream and determine which niches they should cater to. In the case of Chaturbate, you can even see when viewers are at the highest, not just when the most models are on! Models can expect to see updates in 3-hour increments to their favorite sites.
“This is actually revolutionary!” states Amberly Rothfield, co-creator. “We have never had access to data like this till now. It is no longer a game of trial and error for models to decide how to label themselves.”
Already reporting on sites like Clips4Sale, I Want Clips, FanCentro, and ManyVids, Athena Stats is expanding to serve models from all spectrums of the porn industry. With the majority of clip-producing models also doing webcam, it was a natural expansion for the brand. Athena is hoping to help models not only decide on niches they want to pursue but also which sites they may be more successful on.
Athena Stats was created by top model Amberly Rothfield, her wife Danielle Rothfield, and John Luna of the Sex Positive Me podcast. With the aim to create a one-stop place for models to get data beyond their own sales dashboards, Athena Stats is dedicated to demystifying the data science behind the adult industry.