Host Matt Slayer is takin’ the breaks with Megan Mistakes like the good old bad old days

Chicago — Cam model and indie content creator Megan Mistakes is the in-studio guest on the Chicago-tinged episode 312 of Matt Slayer’s iconic “And Now We Drink” podcast.

“And Now We Drink” is like ”the conversation at the end of the bar” featuring your favorite writers, comedians, musicians, actors and adult performers. No topic is off-limits as Slayer and his guests delve into their personal experiences, sharing shameless stories that make you laugh, cringe, and maybe even blush a little. Listen in to discover more about their unique experiences and perspectives on sex, relationships, and life.

312 is the episode number, but it’s also the Chicago area code, and the spirit of the Windy City looms large over the breezy episode.

First, Mistakes and the host explore the Chicago tradition of taking shots of Malört.

Jeppson’s Malört is a wormwood-based schnapps that leaves a lasting impression, used infamously — paired with Old Style bottle-fermented beer — in a horrifying drinking ritual called the Chicago Handshake.

Mistakes went to some length to ensure they had Malört on hand for her appearance, and is rewarded as Matt recounts a memorable night of Malört-fueled adventures in Chi-town.

“She brought Malört!?!” Slayer joked. “I knew it was going to be a fun episode from the moment that bottle came out of the bag. Especially when Megan said she brought it to commit to the bit.”

Mistakes explained: “If you haven’t been handed a shot of Malört at 1:30am in a random neighborhood bar, you’re doing Chicago wrong.”

“Even though I met Matt in L.A. through industry friends, as we got to know each other I found out he’s originally from Chicago, a city I just moved back from. While bonding over that, it turns out I spent a lot of time at the places he used to frequent with his long-time friends.”

But their banter doesn’t end with memories of the Toddlin’ Town that Billy Sunday couldn’t shut down! From STI testing and the use of condoms in the adult entertainment industry, to Megan’s boobs, to sharing their favorite movies and exploring the nuances of lying in social settings, guest and host tackle a wide range of intriguing topics that will keep listeners engaged from start to finish.

“Truly like sitting at the bar with one of your friends, Matt is able to provide a chill atmosphere and bounce between banters on various topics,” Mistakes added.

“Megan and I did some serious boozing and the episode got real,“ noted Slayer. “This is one not to miss, drinking buddies.”

The epic Episode 312 of “And Now We Drink” can be found at the program’s official website:, or on fine services such as:
The video versions of all “And Now We Drink” podcast are available via Slayer’s Patreon before they hit YouTube.
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Keep up with Megan Mistakes on Twitter: @meganmistakes and Instagram: @notmeganmistakes
Catch her shows on Jerkmate:
Check out her racy clips on ManyVids:

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