Chicago – Madam Bella Cummins, owner of Bella’s Hacienda Ranch, a licensed brothel located in Northeast Nevada, has recently enacted policy that forbids the use of artificial intelligence in the establishment. Cummins firmly believes that the encroaching dominance of AI poses the single largest threat to full-service sex workers. The bordello owner pledges unwavering support to both her customers and courtesans, assuring them that the establishment will never employ AI in its services.

“As AI continues to become more sophisticated, and more and more applications are developed that allow relationships with artificial companions, I feel that it’s time to take a stand and officially ban the technology in all aspects of my business,” Cummins said.

Cummins, whose legal brothel employs a dozen sex workers at any given time, understands that conversing with an AI is increasingly becoming indistinguishable from human interaction. Moreover, AI-enhanced video and chat functionalities provide users with the ability to alter or counterfeit the identity of the individual featured in the video. The madam wants to assure her customers that all interactions with sex workers, whether occurring inside the establishment or remotely, will be exclusively human-to-human.

“If a customer is communicating with a sex worker from Bella’s Hacienda, whether it’s over email, chat, video, or via text message, they can be confident that the client is speaking to or receiving content from a living, breathing woman,” Cummins said. “My business will not employ AI shortcuts or technological trickery to create business.”

Cummins understands that AI will someday soon have a profound impact on the sex industry. With advancements in AI, there will be a rise in the development of AI companions or virtual partners that can simulate conversation, companionship, and intimacy. These applications may potentially provide an alternative to human sex workers, offering a form of virtual companionship that fulfills certain emotional and physical needs. AI will also likely contribute to the development of advanced sex toys and robots that can mimic human-like movements, responses, and sensations. These devices can incorporate AI algorithms to adapt and respond to user interactions, potentially providing a realistic and satiating experience.

“The legal brothel industry is on the verge of a looming conflict as it prepares to confront the rise of AI sexbots, pitting human sex workers against their simulated counterparts,” Cummins said. “I think it’s a war that human sex workers will win. I feel that there will never be a substitute for the genuine caress of a compassionate and empathetic woman, and that human touch will always be priced at a premium, regardless of the simulated options available.”

“While there is revenue to be garnered in AI sex, I must reject the temptation to explore any opportunities that AI offers. My industry has been referred to as the ‘oldest profession.’ It is a time-tested and highly-profitable model that will always be a part of human culture. I need to trust my instincts and make it clear, right now, that I stand firmly against AI technology and that my establishment will only offer the finest services human women can provide.”


Madam Bella Cummins is the owner and operator of Bella’s Hacienda Ranch, a legal brothel located in Wells, Nevada. Founded in 1950, the premier adult entertainment destination in Northeast Nevada provides a safe and lawful option for sex workers to prosperously practice their trade. Serving customers from across the globe, Bella’s offers a myriad of exclusive amenities, including VIP accommodations and a selection of exquisitely designed erotic specialty rooms.

Madam Bella founded and funds the Onesta Foundation, an action group with a mission to support Nevada sex workers and advocate for prostitution legalization throughout the United States. More on the Onesta Foundation can be found here:

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